Packet Radio on a Raspberry Pi the cheap way!
Packet radio is, in essence, the transmission of data over radio using a protocol called AX.25. It is the mechanism of transmission under the hood for APRS. However, APRS is unconnected packet, while Packet Radio is connected. This implies that Packet can be used for a number of other applications, such as keyboard-to-keyboard chat or connecting to a mail server or a BBS -- not just "blast away" the message. In this post, I'll cover how to install and setup packet radio from a Raspberry Pi, without any additional hardware, and for a fraction of the cost. A terminal showing the output of the HELP command in a TNC I was recently introduced to the wonders packet radio. It has both a post-apocalyptic and 80's nerd feelings to it that I'm enjoying a lot. The fact that my background is in computer science might have something to do with it, too. Packet Radio is a marketing term to refer to AFSK-modulated FM using AX.25 at 1200 baud (or 300 baud on most HF bands). Tradit...